Dog Flu in NC

18 07 2015

Hey, everyone! Listen up…this is important. There’s a new strain of the canine dog flu (H3N2) and it has made its way to NC. No know vaccine or antibiotics at this point.

There are 2 confirmed cases in Asheville and 1 in Winston Salam with 200 other possible cases. Read more here.

Please please please all you 2 footed creatures…take good care of us! We too, just like you are susceptible to sicknesses. The better you feed us and care for us the stronger our immune systems are the lower the risk for contracting a sickness or disease and the greater chances we have of fighting it.

Avoid grain-laden (wheat, corn, soy) food with ingredients you can’t pronounce and give us plenty of clean water to drink. Just like you…processed foods are not healthy for us either. More on that later….

For now…Keep us at home and watch for flu-like symptoms. Take us to the vet immediately if we are not eating, drinking or are vomiting, lethargic and/or have diarrhea.

I love all of you furry canines!

Izzee (and her mom)

Herbs for Arthritis

7 05 2010

Prescription for Herbal Healing (book)

Ashwaganda (Indian Ginseng)~A naturally occurring steroid that is more effective than hydrocortisone as an anti-inflammatory and just as effective as aspirin as a pain reliever.  All without the immune-depressing side effects those drugs cause.

Birch (Sweet Birch)~A very strong analgesic and good for all kinds of muscle pain. It also helps drain the toxins that cause pain and inflammation.

Boswellia (Frankincense)~Deactivates the hormonal triggers for inflammation and pain in osteoarthritis.  The acids in this herb effectively shrink inflamed tissue by stimulating the growth of cartilage, increase blood supply to inflamed joints and enhance the report of local blood vessels damaged by inflammation.

Burdock (tea)~Helps reduce swelling around the joints and rid the body of calcified deposits.

Cat’s Claw~A rich source of sterols (related to steroids).  Animal research shows it reduces swelling by 50%.

Celery~They help the kidneys dispose of urates and other unwanted waste products, as well as working to reduce acidity in the body as a whole. The celery seeds are useful in arthritis, helping to detoxify the body and improve the circulation of blood to the muscles and joints.

Cleavers~Cleavers is a common hedgerow weed that is a wonderful cleansing  remedy, clearing toxins from the system and reducing heat and , inflammation.

Ginger~Inhibits the production of immune-system components called cytokines, chemicals that create a long term tendency towards inflammation.  It also stimulates blood circulation.

Hawthorn~Chemicals in this help stabilize the collage in cartilage which reduces joint damage as well as stabilizing collagen in the bone itself.  Hawthorn flower extracts prevent formation of a hormone involved in the inflammation process.

Meadowsweet~For aches and pains, rheumatism, arthritis and gout, meadowsweet has an anti-inflammatory action which relieves swollen joints, and diuretic properties which help eliminate toxic wastes and uric acid from the system. Meadowsweet also has an analgesic effect, helping to soothe pain

Turmeric~The volatile oil in tumeric can ease acute pain and its effectiveness is equal to hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone but without their side effects.  Laboratory studies have confirmed that turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity.

Yucca~Yucca’s natural steroid properties, Saponins, have been known to reduce inflammation and obstructions of the joints. Yucca also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that contribute to the cleansing of the colon, purifying the blood and helping keep the kindeys and liver free of toxins.

With osteoarthritis, your joints gradually lose their cartilage-the smooth, gel-like, shock-absorbing material that prevents adjacent bones from touching. Most commonly affected are the fingers, knees, hips, neck, and spine. As cartilage loss continues, the friction of bone rubbing against bone can cause pain and joint instability.

Osteoarthritis may be the result of decades of joint wear and tear, though genetic factors, excess weight, and impairments in the body’s ability to repair cartilage may also play a role. Some cases are linked to a specific cause, such as a previous injury to a joint; the overuse of a joint occupationally or athletically; or a congenital defect in joint structure. If you suspect you have arthritis, consult a doctor for proper advice.

Supplements and herbs

There is no sure cure for osteoarthritis, but glucosamine, a cartilage building sugar compound may help relieve arthritis pain. It appears to slow joint damage over time, though whether it can actually reverse the disease is unknown. To enhance its effectiveness, try glucosamine along with one other supplement listed below. Allow at least three months to judge results; then, if necessary, substitute another supplement to use with glucosamine to see if it works better for you. These supplements can be used long term, as well as with conventional pain relievers, such as aspirin and acetaminophen. Diabetics should be aware that glucosamine can raise blood glucose levels significantly.

Several large studies are assessing the impact of glucosamine when it’s combined with another cartilage-building compound, chondroitin (some experts believe this compound is poorly absorbed and of limited effectiveness). Other supplements that can be taken with glucosamine include niacinamide, which may be particularly effective in relieving knee pain; boswellia, a gummy tree resin that may inhibit inflammation and build cartilage; and sea cucumber, Chinese remedy that may, through unknown mechanisms, reduce pain and stiffness and boost grip strength. One form of the amino acid methionine called SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) has anti-inflammatory effects similar to ibuprofen and has been shown to rebuild cartilage. Gelatin, containing the amino acids glycine and proline and other joint-building nutrients, may also be worth trying if other measures fail; little is known about its effectiveness.

Any of these therapies can be used along with topically applied cayenne cream for pain relief. The capsaicin in cayenne inhibits production of substance P, a chemical involved in sending pain messages to the brain. Initial applications, however, may cause a burning sensation.


In the more acute phases, the remedies can be repeated as symptoms dictate: hourly, every two hours, or less often.

In advanced arthritis, low potencies usually work best, taken over a long period of time. In some instances these can be alternated. For example, Calc fluor can be used in a 3x or 6x potency, twice per day, for several months. Though not listed here. Several cycles of the remedies will usually be needed to really affect the damaged joints.

Arthritis – acute

  • Apis
    Stinging, burning, wandering pains. Affinity to the knees, shoulders.
    Great swelling around joints. Rosy red or waxy, transparent looking.
    Awkward, drops things. Busy, restless, nervous. Jealous and irritable.
    Worse: heat, touch, pressure. Better: cold applications, sitting upright.
  • Belladonna
    Sudden, intense onset: red, hot, throbbing, swollen, tender joint area.
    Accompanied by headaches, eye inflammation, fever, throbbing pulse.
    Pains may be burning, with cramps and spasms. Anxious, restless.
    Worse: motion, touch, jarring, night, after getting chilled. Better: rest.
  • Bryonia
    Stitching pain. Joints hot, red, swollen, or may be pale red and shiny.
    Irritable, seeks solitude. Worries about business, finances, future.
    Pain worse from the slightest motion; stretching, walking, turning, etc.
    Worse: morning, touch, jarring. Better: rest, localized heat, pressure.
  • Dulcamara
    Ailments caused or strongly affected by cold and damp conditions, wet weather, cellars, air conditioning, warm turning cold or dry to damp.
    Stiffness, pain and rheumatism, more in the muscles. Hiveseczema.
    Worse: cold, damp weather, rest, night. Better: motion, pressure, warmth.
  • Pulsatilla
    Changeable pain and location of inflammation. Pains appear suddenly, leave gradually or with a sudden snap. Large joints affected (hip, etc.).
    Worse: first motion, heat, evening. Better: gentle motion, cold compresses, open air. Mild, shy, emotional, sensitive. Depressed and weepy.
  • Rhus tox
    Rheumatism after exposure to damp climates, many strains, overexertion, getting chilled when overheated. Inflamed, red, hot, cracking joints.
    Stiffness and pain after resting, better from limbering and getting warm.
    Tearing, drawing, burning pains, heavy limbs, weakness. Restlessness.
    Worse: cold, damp, midnight. Better: stretching, wrapping up, rubbing.

Arthritis – chronic

  • Calc carb
    Rheumatism from recurrent strains, damp, wear and tear, old injuries.
    Stiffness; weak or lame joints, contractions. Painful nodes in joints.
    Weak; no stamina; flabby muscles and lax ligaments. Sensitive to damp.
    Chilliness, sour perspiration. Responsible, insecure, many anxieties.
    Worse: motion, exertion, cold, damp. Better: warmth, rubbing, lying.
  • Calc fluor
    Chronic arthritis with hard nodules, bony overgrowth, at sites of sprains.
    Stiffness, restlessness. Weak, overstretched ligaments and joints.
    Cracking, creaking joints. Fear of poverty. Unstable, makes mistakes.
    Worse: 1st motion, cold, damp, rest. Better: limbering, warmth, rubbing.
  • Causticum
    Stiffness, contraction, deformity; partially fused joints. Need to stretch.
    Restlessness. Weak, atrophied muscles. Numbnesscrampstwitches.
    Chilly. Effects of burns, scars. Chronic suffering. Sensitive to injustice.
    Worse: cold dry wind, lying, motion, night. Better: warmth, damp weather.
  • Ledum
    Arthritis, gout, rheumatism that travels upwards, joint to joint. Small joints, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, feet, heels. Upper left and lower right.
    Bony nodules, cracking. Stiff, swollen, hot or swollen, cold, pale joints.
    Heat in limbs, yet worse from hot bed. Gout of large toe. Avoids people.
    Worse: touch, motion, warmth, pressure, night. Better: cold compresses.
  • Phytolacca
    Sore allover. Shooting, shock-like electric pains. Exhausted. Restless.
    Changeable area and pains. Swollen, hot, red, joints. Stiffness everywhere. Restless, yet worse from motion. Indifference, loss of shame.
    Worse: motion, damp, cold, night, pressure. Better: warmth, dry, rest.


This formula provides relief from arthritis pain and suffering. Arthritis Aide for Dogs contains natural anti-inflammatory herbs.


Turmeric Root, Boswellia, Yucca, Burdock Root, Devil’s Claw, Celery Seed, Meadowsweet, White Willow Bark, Chickweed, Cleavers, Water & Vegetable Glycerine.

This herbal combination can easily be added to food, hidden in a tasty treat or given direct orally.

Dosage: 10 drops per every 10 lbs. bodyweight twice daily.

3 sizes are available, with pricing discount on the larger size:

4 oz. size suitable for small pet. 1-20 lbs. $15.00

8 oz. size suitable for medium pet. 21-50 lbs. $25.00

16 oz. size suitable for large pet. 51 lbs. and up. $35.00

This product is to be refrigerated upon arrival and should keep for 4-6 months if refrigerated.

Herbs for Arthritis

Alfalfa (Medicago saliva): Alfalfa is a folk remedy for arthritis in southern Appalachia. Alfalfa tea is rich with nutritive minerals. We recommend that you do not take the alfalfa powder; take the tea instead. Alfalfa contains 1-canavanine, an amino acid that can cause symptoms that are similar to those of systemic lupus, an autoimmune disease that can also cause joint pain. Some scientific studies show that these symptoms can occur in both animals and humans as a result of eating alfalfa. The amino acid is not present to any significant amount in alfalfa tea. Dosage and Directions: Place 1 ounce of alfalfa in a pot. Cover with 1 quart of water and boil for thirty minutes. Strain and drink the quart throughout the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting again.

Angelica (Angelica archangelica): Angelica is an herb that has been used in European folk medicine since antiquity. It can be used to treat arthritis. The Western variety of angelica has 12 anti-inflammatory constituents, ten antispasmodic (muscle relaxant) constituents, and five anodyne (pain-relieving) ones. The Chinese sometimes use their native variety of the plant (Angelica sinensis) for the same purpose. The Chinese species is sold in North America under the names dang gui or dong quai. Dosage and Directions: Place 1 tablespoon of the cut roots of either species of angelica in 1 pint of water and bring to a boil. Cover and boil for two minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, until the water cools to room temperature. Strain and drink the tea in 3 doses during the day for two to three weeks at a time. Then, take a break for seven to ten days and start the treatment again if desired.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa): An American Indian treatment for arthritis involved using the root of black cohosh. There are five species in the Cimicifuga genus worldwide that have been used to treat rheumatism. Black cohosh contains aspirin-like substances as well as other anti- inflammatory and antispasmodic constituents. Dosage and Directions: Simmer 1 teaspoon of black cohosh root in 1 cup of boiling water for twenty minutes. Strain and drink the tea in 2 divided doses during the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting the treatment again.

Boswellia has unique anti-inflammatory action, much like the conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used by many for inflammatory conditions. Unlike NSAIDs, however, long-term use of boswellia does not lead to irritation or ulceration of the stomach.

Celery (Apium graveolens): The remedy of eating raw or cooked celery seeds or large amounts of the celery plant to treat rheumatism arrived in North America with the European immigrants. Using celery to treat rheumatism persists today in North American professional herbalism. Various parts of the celery plant contain more than 25 different anti-inflammatory compounds. And, taken as a food, celery is rich in minerals: A cup of celery contains more than 340 milligrams of potassium. (A potassium deficiency may contribute to some symptoms of arthritis.) Dosage: Place 1 teaspoon of celery seeds in a cup. Fill the cup with boiling water. Cover and let stand for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink. Drink 3 cups a day during an acute arthritis attack.

Chaparral (.Larrea tridentata) Chaparral is widely promoted in health food stores as a treatment for arthritis. In the early 1990s, reports of liver toxicity for chaparral appeared in scientific documents, and 18 cases of adverse effects to chaparral have since been reported to the USFDA. Two of those patients required liver transplants. The individuals who were poisoned took powdered chaparral in the form of capsules, ingesting toxic constituents. You can avoid this by taking a tea instead. All folk uses for chaparrel uses it in the form of either externally as a wash or internally as a tea and not powdered herb. We recommend that you do not use this herb due to its toxicity.

Devil’s claw is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Take 1,000 milligrams (1 gram) twice daily.

Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis. Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you’d like. (If you are pregnant or have cardiovascular disease consult your doctor before taking very hot baths.)

Feverfew has been used for centuries for arthritis. Some studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effects of this herb are greater than those achieved by NSAIDs. Take 250 milligrams once or twice daily.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) In one study, Indian researchers gave three to seven grams of ginger a day to 18 people with osteoarthritis and 28 with rheumatoid arthritis. More than 75 percent of those participating in the study reported at least some relief from pain and swelling. Even after more than two years of taking these high doses of ginger, none of the people reported side effects. Many people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis. A ginger compress is also beneficial for arthritis.

Ginseng Liquor (Panax quinquefolius). Ginseng contains constituents called ginsenosides, which have a variety of pharmacological actions. It is an adaptogen – it increases the body’s ability to handle a wide variety of stresses. Note: Be sure to use American ginseng, not Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) for this remedy. Asian ginseng can actually aggravate the pain of arthritis.

Dosage and Directions: Chop 3.5 ounces of ginseng and place in 1 quart of liquor like vodka. Let the mixture stand for five to six weeks in a cool dark place, turning the container frequently. Strain and take 1 ounce of the liquid after dinner or before bedtime every night for up to three months. Then, take a break for two weeks before starting the treatment again. Note: If you are prone to gout, the alcohol may aggravate your condition. In that case take ginseng tea without alcohol.

Hop Tea (Humulus lupulus): The hop plant contains at least 22 constituents that have anti- inflammatory activities, including several that act through the same cellular mechanisms as steroid drugs. Four constituents have antispasmodic properties, and ten may act as sedatives. The fresher the plant, the better. Today, hop tea is a popular remedy for rheumatism. Dosage and Directions: Place 2 or 3 teaspoons of hop leaves in a cup and fill with boiling water. Cover the cup and let stand for fifteen minutes. Drink the tea while it’s warm. Drink 1 to 3 cups between dinner and bedtime as needed.

Licorice acts in the body like cortisone, without the harmful side-effects. Licorice is believed to enhance the action of bupleuri. Licorice also has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy activity. Licorice components are able to bind to glucocorticoid receptors on cells and exert glucocorticoid-like effects. It has been used historically in the treatment of inflammation, allergy, asthma and other conditions that put added stress on the adrenals. Long-term use of licorice can cause an elevation of blood pressure.   Take 2 capsules daily.

Mustard Plaster (Brassica alba, Brassica juncea) Mustard plaster is a popular counterirritant treatment for arthritis. The irritating substance in mustard is allyl- isothyocyanate. This constituent is not activated, however, until the seeds are crushed and mixed with some liquid. Only then does the mustard produce the irritation necessary for the counterirritant effect. Dosage and Directions: Crush the seeds of white or brown mustard or grind them in a seed grinder. Moisten the mixture with vinegar, then sprinkle with flour. Spread the mixture on a cloth. Place the cloth, poultice side down, on the skin. Leave on for no more than twenty minutes. Remove if the poultice becomes uncomfortable. After removing the poultice, wash the affected area.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Oregano, is a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of oregano and other medicinal mints is due in large part to rosmarinic acid, a compound with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. The antioxidants in oregano may help prevent the cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radical reactions are probably involved in inflammation, degenerative arthritis and the aging process in general. And evidence is accumulating that antioxidants may help relieve osteoarthritis and RA.

Pineapple (Ananas comosus). Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, helps prevent inflammation. Athletic trainers have been reportedly recommending pineapple to athletes to prevent and treat sports injuries. It is believed to have beneficial effect on arthritis also. Bromelain can help the body get rid of immune antigen complex, compounds that are implicated in some arthritic conditions. It also helps digest fibrin, another compound suspected of being involved in some types of arthritis.

Red pepper, Cayenne pepper (Capsicum spp.) Red pepper interferes with pain perception. The pain-relieving chemical in red pepper, capsaicin, triggers the body to release endorphins, nature’s own opiates. Red pepper also contains aspirin-like compounds known as salicylates. Compounds in red pepper can also help relieve arthritis when you apply the herb to the skin. Researchers have discovered that you’ll get significant pain relief if you apply capsaicin cream directly to painful arthritic joints four times daily. In one study of this treatment, the capsaicin cream reduced RA pain by more than half. Osteoarthritis pain was reduced by about one-third. Dosage and Directions: Place 1 ounce of cayenne pepper in 1 quart of rubbing alcohol (a poison not for internal use). Let stand for three weeks, shaking the bottle each day. Then, using a cloth, apply to the affected area during acute attacks of pain. Leave the solution in place for ten to twenty minutes, then wipe clean. You can also use an OTC cream that contain capsicum like Zostrix or Capzasin-P.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis). Drinking rosemary tea to treat arthritis is an American folk medicine practice. The plant’s leaves contain four anti-inflammatory substances-earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid. Carnosol acts on the same anti-inflammatory pathways as both steroids and aspirin, oleanolic acid has been marketed as an antioxidant in China, rosmarinic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory, and ursolic acid, which makes up about four percent of the plant by weight, has been shown to have antiarthritic effects in animal trials. Dosage and Directions: Put 1/2 ounce of rosemary leaves in a 1-quart canning jar and fill the jar with boiling water. Cover tightly and let stand for thirty minutes. Drink a cup of the hot tea before going to bed and have another cupful in the morning before breakfast. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting the treatment again.

Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum): A remedy for arthritis from Chinese folk medicine is to eat sesame seeds. One-half ounce of the seeds contains about 4 grams of essential fatty acids, 175 milligrams of calcium, 64 milligrams of magnesium, and, 0.73 milligrams of copper. Increased copper intake may be important during arthritis attacks because the body’s requirements go up during inflammation. Dosage and Directions: Grind up 1/2 ounce of sesame seeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on your food at meal- time. You can use this treatment for as long as you like.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica): Stinging nettle is an official remedy for rheumatism in Germany. It is the most important herb to consider for treating early- onset arthritis. Nettle juice contain an anti-inflammatory component similar to that of steroid drugs. It also nettle contains 47 parts per million of the mineral boron, figured on a dry-weight basis. Boron is an important mineral for arthritis. (The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation suggests that three milligrams of boron, taken daily, may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis and RA.) Directions: Take 1 tablespoon of nettle juice three times a day. You can freeze the juice for later use.

Turmeric (Curcumin, Curcuma longa) Curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric, has significant anti-inflammatory action. Curcumin has been shown to be as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone in certain models of inflammation. Curcumin also exhibits many beneficial effects on liver functions. The typical dosage of curcumin is 400 to 600 mg 3 times daily. Curcumin is sometimes given in combination with an equal dose of an extract of the pineapple plant called bromelain, which appears to possess anti-inflammatory properties of its own. Curcumin is thought to be quite safe. Side effects are rare and are generally limited to occasional allergic reactions and mild stomach upset. However, safety in very young children, pregnant or nursing women, and those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.

Wild Cucumber Bark Described as “the best plant for treating rheumatism and arthritis” according to herbalists. It can be put in drinking alcohol or made as a tea. Dosage: Take a teaspoon of it three times a day and one tablespoon at night. Note: Wild cucumber is a laxative. When taking wild cucumber bark, the dose should be kept below that which loosens the bowels.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa): Wild yam contains diosgenin, a steroid constituent with anti-inflammatory properties. Wild yam tea is a popular folk remedy for muscular rheumatism. (Some eat the root of the wild yam instead.) Dosage and Directions: Place 1 ounce of wild yam root in a 1-quart canning jar. Add a few slices of fresh ginger root. Fill the jar with boiling water, put the lid on tightly, and let the mixture stand until it reaches room temperature. Drink 2 to 3 cups of the tea each day for three to six weeks, then take a break for seven to ten days.

Willow (Salix, various species) Willow bark was the original herbal aspirin. It contains a chemical called salicin, which the Bayer Company eventually transformed into aspirin that so many people with arthritis take daily. Willow bark tea has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of aspirin. But because the irritation-causing ingredient in aspirin tablets is diluted in tea, you’ll have less risk of stomach upset, ulcer and overdose if you take the tea instead of the pills.

Wintergreen (Gaulteria procumbens): Wintergreen was used to treat arthritis by the American Indian tribes. The plant was accepted in the United States as an official medicine for arthritis in 1820. The chief active pain-relieving constituent in wintergreen is methyl-salicylate. This compound can be toxic when consumed in concentrated wintergreen oil, even when applied to the skin, so stick with using the dried herb. Dosage and Directions: Place I or 2 teaspoons of dried wintergreen leaves in a cup and cover with boiling water. Cover the cup and let steep for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups a day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting again.

Yucca -Yucca has long been used to reduce arthritic pain.  A double-blind clinical trial indicated a saponin extract of yucca demonstrated a positive therapeutic effect. It was suggested that effects were due to indirect effects on the gastrointestinal flora. It is possible that yucca decreases bacterial endotoxin absorption thus reducing this inhibition of cartilage synthesis.

Homeopathic Care for Arthritis (More Difficult to provide for dogs)

* Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy): This is the most common remedy for acute arthritic pain. It is indicated when a person experiences a “rusty-gate” syndrome of arthritis, that is, when a person experiences great pains upon initial motion, reduced pain the more he or she moves around, and then becomes stiff again after resting for awhile. Typically, these people are particularly stiff in the morning upon waking and after they sit or lie still for a period of time. People who benefit from this remedy also tend to be very sensitive to cold and wet weather, and they tend to have aggravations of their symptoms at night and in bed. Warm bathing or showers and continued motion provide temporary relief of pain.

* Bryonia (white bryony): This remedy is indicated when arthritic pain is aggravated from any type of motion and the more the person moves, the worse pain the person experiences. Usually, this pain is sharp and excruciating. They experience some relief from lying still, heat, direct pressure, and lying on the painful side, while their symptoms tend to be worse after exposure to cold, from simple jarring, and after eating. These people tend to be irritable, don’t like to be examined, tend to be constipated, and want to be alone.

* Apis (honeybee): When a person experiences great swelling in the joint(s) with hot, burning, stinging pain, this remedy can be highly effective. Warm or hot applications as well as touch or pressure tend to aggravate their condition, while cool air and cold applications provide some relief.

* Belladonna (deadly nightshade): When rapid and violent onset of throbbing arthritic pain arises in red, hot, swollen joints, this is the remedy to consider. The arthritic symptoms are aggravated by touch, jarring, and especially by motion, and warm wraps relieve them.

* Ruta (rue): This remedy is sometimes given when the condition develops at the site of an old injury. The symptoms are aggravated by motion or touch, in the morning, and from exposure to cold, wet weather and are relieved by rubbing and warmth. It is also indicated when sensitive nodules develop on the periosteum and tendons after an injury.

* Rhododendron (yellow snow rose): Think of this remedy if Rhus tox seems indicated but doesn’t work. It too is known for arthritic pains that are aggravated during cold and wet weather (especially storms), during night, and during rest (from sitting too long) and which are relieved by continued motion or walking. It is also known for arthritic pain in the small joints, lower back, or shoulder, with pains that wander from one place to another.

* Kalmia (mountain laurel): This remedy is useful for a sudden onset of severe acute arthritis, especially when the pain is paralyzing and tends to come and go. The arthritis pains may even move from one joint to another or tend to travel downward. Numbness, weakness, and trembling may also be experienced. A heart condition may alternate with arthritic symptoms. Motion of any sort and exposure to cold aggravates the pain, while hot bathing provides temporary relief.

* Caulophyllum (blue cohosh): This remedy is useful when arthritis primarily affects the small joints of the body, specifically those in the hands and/or feet. In particular, closing one’s hands creates a lot of pain. This remedy is more often given to women than men, especially when the woman is pregnant or experiences concurrent menstrual or hormonal disturbances.

* Pulsatilla (windflower): Consider this remedy when arthritic pains tend to move from one place to another. The symptoms are worse from initial motion or during rest, in the evening or at night, and definitely from exposure to warmth. The symptoms are relieved by cold applications and by slow motion. This remedy is also invaluable when a person has a Pulsatilla constitution: a gentle, mild, yielding, moody, sympathetic person. Dose: It is generally best to take the 6, 12, or 30th potency four to six times a day Continue to take it only as long as it provides relief.

What Lifestyle Choices Are You Making for Your Pet?

29 04 2010

While you and I make our own lifestyle choices, companion animals must depend on their owners to make those decisions for them.

If your dog or cat had lived from birth in a natural setting, he would do what comes naturally. He would eat a species-appropriate diet, get plenty of exercise, and avoid man-made toxic substances.

If his environment was relatively free of predators, your pet would quite likely live disease-free, physically fit and mentally healthy for as long as nature prescribed.

When you bring a companion animal into your home, your pet’s life is in your hands. From that moment forward, you make all lifestyle choices for your dog, cat, or other animal.

Following are just a few examples of how poor decisions can affect the furry or feathered members of your family:

  • If you smoke cigarettes in your home, you are deciding for your pet that she will be subjected to second-hand smoke and the possibility of nicotine poisoning.
  • If you feed your dog or cat a low quality commercial pet food, you’re deciding for him that he won’t have access to a nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate diet that is the foundation of a long, healthy life.
  • If you don’t help your pet get an appropriate amount of healthy exercise, you’re making the choice for her that she might become obese and diabetic, or bored and plagued by behavior problems.

Overweight dogs and cats have a higher rate of disease and a shorter lifespan than physically fit pets, and behavior problems are the number one reason companion animals wind up in shelters.


Knowing Your Pet’s ‘Normals’ …..

28 01 2009

BEFORE …. An Emergency Strikes




Your pet probably has a range of what is normal. His or her temperature is not going to be the same everyday – take several readings to give yourself an idea of what is normal. 

Lift your pet’s tail, as this will help keep your pet from sitting down. It is also easier if you have someone holding the ‘pretty’ end for you. Using a rectal thermometer, lubricate the end with KY Jelly or petroleum jelly and insert the thermometer into the rectum of your pet to about halfway. After 3 minutes you can remove the thermometer and write down the readings. 

Normal temperature ranges (both Cats and Dogs): 99 degrees F to 102 degrees F (38-39.5 degrees Celsius). 


Heart Rate


To measure your pet’s heart rate, place your hand on the left side of your pet’s chest, just behind the elbow.

You should be able to feel the beats of the heart. 

Count the number of beats for 15 seconds and multiply by

4 – this will give you the number of beats per minute.

Try to take several readings to give you an average heart rate (it’s also good practice). 

In addition, try to find your pet’s pulse using the femoral artery. It is located in the groin area where the hind leg meets the body. Press firmly with two fingers; you should easily feel the beats. In an emergency, you may need to find a pulse on your pet – the best place is the femoral artery. 

Note: Normal heart rate for an adult dog can be 70-180 bpm. Smaller dogs have a faster heart rate then larger breeds, and with puppies, normal heart rate can be as high as 220 beats per minute.

Normal heart rate for an adult cat can be 120-240 bpm, and with kittens, normal rates can be 200-300 bpm

Normal resting heart rates: 

Cats: 120-240 bpm

Kittens: 200-300 bpm

Small dogs: 90-180 bpm

Medium dogs: 70-110 bpm

Large dogs: 60-90 bpm

Puppies: up to 220 bpm

 Pulse should be strong, regular and easy to locate. 


Respiratory Rate


To measure your pet’s respiratory rate, count the number of breaths for 15 seconds and multiply by 4: this gives you the number of breaths per minute. Dogs usually breathe 10 – 30 times a minute, cats 10 – 40 times a minute. A panting dog will breathe much faster, up to 200 times a minute; open mouth breathing or panting in cats should be considered an emergency.


Gum Color (mucous membranes)


Checking your pet’s gum color is one way to alert you when something is wrong. The gum tissue should be nice and pink, if your pet’s gums are pigmented, try to find a spot that is non-pigmented or use the mucous membrane tissue in the groin area. If your pet’s mucous membranes are anything other than pink, something is wrong and you should call your veterinarian. 

In general, pale pink or white mucous membranes could spell shock or anemia; blue generally means your pet is having trouble breathing and not getting enough oxygen; yellow mucous membranes generally means your pet is jaundiced and is having liver problems; and bright red mucous membranes could mean heat stroke for your pet or carbon monoxide poisoning.


Capillary Refill Time


This test helps to judge your pet’s blood circulation.

Use the non-pigmented area of your pet’s gum tissue.

Press your finger against the tissue and release.

There should be a white spot where your finger was.

Time how quickly the white spot becomes pink again.

Normal ranges from 1 – 2 seconds; 2 – 4 seconds generally means shock or dehydration; more than 4 seconds is an emergency.




To check your pet’s hydration, grasp the skin at the back of the neck and pull up. The skin should snap back rather quickly; the longer it takes to retract the more dehydrated your pet is. If the skin remains standing up you should call your veterinarian immediately. 

You can also check hydration by pressing a finger to your pet’s gums. If they are sticky or tacky then your pet is dehydrated and your veterinarian should be called. Senior cats will generally be a little dehydrated, you may want to check with your veterinarian for what is considered normal for your senior cat. 




If your pet is small, you can weigh him or her yourself.

First weigh yourself while holding your pet and then weight yourself without – then just subtract for your pet’s weight.

For larger dogs, go to the veterinary clinic and ask to use their scales – there is generally no charge to do this. 

Weight loss can alert you to an internal problem with your pet, for example kidney disease, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism all list weight loss as a symptom. If you have noticed significant unexplained weight loss, call your veterinarian immediately.

 Putting together your pet’s first aid health chart does not replace an exam done by a veterinarian; use it to learn what is normal for your pet so you are better equipped during an emergency or if you think your pet is not feeling well. If you take your pet’s vital signs at home, you can relay more information to your pet’s veterinarian and help them prepare for you when you arrive with your pet during an emergency. 


Assessing Responsiveness


Healthy dogs and cats are alert and responsive to whatever is happening around them. You can gauge this based on how they interact with you; notice how they respond when you clap your hands or move suddenly towards them. A key window into the brain (and responsiveness) is through the eyes.

Shine a bright light into the eyes to see if the pupils respond and constrict. The room must first be a little dark, so that the pupils are enlarged. Try this on your pet in a darkened room; you will see the pupils constrict immediately with a bright flashlight, under normal circumstances. 

Pet Food Ingredients Revealed

27 01 2009

A NaturalNews Special Report by Dr. Lisa Newman and Mike Adams